My Weekly Calendar

I used to have a goal here about eventually reading one book a day and writing fifty pages each week. Someday I may be able to get to fifty pages written, but I've had to come to terms with my inability to read fast enough to ever reach the other goal. Instead, I've begun pacing myself for what I think I can accomplish around work and other priorities. It will drastically cut back how many books I get through each year, but sometimes life is also about accepting what you won't achieve. It's beautiful and necessary to believe in infinite possibilities, but it's also beautiful and necessary to understand limitations.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

The Book Thief Post #2

I gave up as soon as I was told to pay attention down the road, then had a metaphor that hadn't happend yet explained to me, then time jumped again.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

The Book Thief Post #1

I'm reading The Book Thief by Markus Zusak.  Kind of.  I just came to the realization (five minutes ago) that if I'm going to read it - because I was thinking of abandoning it - I'm going to have to skip the bold passages where he uses meta-fiction to steer readers toward his message.  I just.  can't.  handle.  it.  It's like watching a movie with someone who's seen the movie, and they keep poking you and telling you what's going to happen next and how it affects the outcome of the movie.  Or is whispering to you the whole time about what you should be thinking by the end of each scene.