My Weekly Calendar

I used to have a goal here about eventually reading one book a day and writing fifty pages each week. Someday I may be able to get to fifty pages written, but I've had to come to terms with my inability to read fast enough to ever reach the other goal. Instead, I've begun pacing myself for what I think I can accomplish around work and other priorities. It will drastically cut back how many books I get through each year, but sometimes life is also about accepting what you won't achieve. It's beautiful and necessary to believe in infinite possibilities, but it's also beautiful and necessary to understand limitations.

Friday, April 6, 2012

My Bookshelf

I just wanted to take a moment and post a list of the books on the top shelf of my bookshelf. They are my absolute favorites, the books that most inspire me, or the books I'm most proud of.

Stephen King
The Talisman
The Eyes of the Dragon
The Green Mile Series
Everything's Eventual
On Writing
The Dark Tower Series

Other Books

The Oresteia
- Aeschylus
Call Me Ishmael Tonight
- Agha Shahid Ali
The Country Without a Post Office
- Agha Shahid Ali
The Shell Collector
- Anthony Doerr
One Hundred Years of Solitude
- Gabriel Garcia Marquez
- John Gardner
The Iliad
- Homer
To Kill a Mockingbird
- Harper Lee
The Wall of the Sky, the Wall of the Eye
- Jonathan Lethem
A Guidebook for the Perplexed
- Moses Maimonides
Blood Meridian
- Cormac McCarthy
The Harry Potter Series
- J.K. Rowling
- Lauren Slater
The Elements of Style
- Strunk & White
The Picture of Dorian Gray
- Oscar Wilde

Unknown Choose Your Own Adventure Book with No Cover and No Way to Tell What the Book's Title Is
- Author Unknown

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