My Weekly Calendar

I used to have a goal here about eventually reading one book a day and writing fifty pages each week. Someday I may be able to get to fifty pages written, but I've had to come to terms with my inability to read fast enough to ever reach the other goal. Instead, I've begun pacing myself for what I think I can accomplish around work and other priorities. It will drastically cut back how many books I get through each year, but sometimes life is also about accepting what you won't achieve. It's beautiful and necessary to believe in infinite possibilities, but it's also beautiful and necessary to understand limitations.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Almost There

I'm almost to the end of The Magic Mountain. Somewhere I must have missed a day of reading because I'm fifty pages behind my little schedule I made to get the book read by the end of the 2010. I can get that done tonight and be back on track, though.

I love the new year. There is always something refreshing about starting over. Even though it's a man-made construction (time) and, furthermore, thoroughly Western, and even though I've never quite understood why we chose the middle of winter to be the beginning of the new year, I'm always gung-ho for resolutions.

You know about my resolutions this year - two books a week and two pages written each day. I'm very optimistic. The first two books of the new year are extremely long, so I'm kind of hoping, if I can get them read on time, they will be like a trial by fire that will make the rest of the year a breeze as far as pacing myself. I can't wait to get to the Writers at Work series from The Paris Review. A friend of mine gave me the third in the series a few years ago and the interviews in it are just brilliant. There are nine in the series, so I'll be reading the other eight. One of them has interviews with Vladimir Nabokov AND Jorge Luis Borges. Holy shit.

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